
My current understanding on GRAFFITI

I've seen graffiti, which is some times also called street arts, not only here in Japan but also in all over the world. I know that it is usually drawn by  using sprays or paints. They also tend to be vandalism or tagging. It is illgalised in most places, but there are some places that people can draw graffiti freely, for example the graffiti wall in Venice beach in California. In the cities or countries they have legal places for graffiti, it is illegalised to do it on things for exmple signs and trains. However, it is still a huge problem in all over the world. I think the current issues on graffiti are whether it is art or not and it should be banned in any place or not. Through out my blog I would like to introduce basic informations about it, people's opinions on it, and what I think about it.

Thank you for reading:)

2 件のコメント:

  1. This is a good start to your blog. I look forward to reading future posts.

    It would be interesting to take photos of graffiti that you see around Tokyo and post them on your blog. It will give your blog more international appeal. Also, it will make the question of whether graffiti is art of not more concrete.

  2. the explanation is really understandable. however, since almost all people do not have enough background about grafitti, it is more helpful for people to imagine the detail better.
