I would like to share my survey result as well!
20 people answered to my survey and most were teenage girl.
Q1 Please tell us about your…
Nationality: American 1 Japanese
Gender: Male
5 Female 15
17→1 18→2 19→12 20→3 49→1 55→1
Q2 How much do you know about graffiti? Please write anything you know about it.
Don't know much 3
It is painted on walls/tunnels 11
Something illegal/bad 3
Know graffiti artists 2 (1 did not answer)
Q3 What do you think graffiti is most similar to?
Comments for other:
・ I think it is both →3 person
・Nuisance(troublesome behavior)
Q4 Do you think graffiti should be banned?
Q5 Choose the image closest to your image of graffiti from below
Q 6 Seeing the pictures above, has your image towards graffiti changed? If so, how?
It didn't change→ 5
It did (In a positive way)→ 12
(3 did not answer)
From the survey, I have found out that many people have a negative image towards graffiti without much knowledge. My survey was answered mainly by young people, but if I asked older generations I think they will have even more negative image towards it. I understand that graffiti sometimes have bad effects and I am not saying that all graffiti are god. But I personally think some has values as an art. Through the survey I felt that it would be better if there were more understandings towards graffiti.
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